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Million is a lightweight (<1kb) Virtual DOM. It's really fast and makes it easy to create user interfaces.

Oh man... Another /virtual dom|javascript/gim library? I'm fine with React already, why should I bother switching?

Million makes creating user interfaces as easy as React, but with faster performance and smaller bundle size for the end user. By computing the user interface beforehand with a compiler, Million reduces the overhead of traditional Virtual DOM.

Okay cool... but why should I use Million if I can just use Preact if I need something a bit more lightweight?

While alternative libraries like Preact reduce bundle sizes by efficient code design, Million takes it a step further by leveraging compilation to make a quantum leap in improving bundle size and render speed.

Think of it as if React's API and Svelte's compiler had a baby. A baby with super speed! 👶

Our First Application

Open this StackBlitz or clone this repo to get started.

Open in StackBlitz

Navigate to src/App.jsx and you should see this:

Open the StackBlitz preview (should be at, if you see content and you're able to interact with it, you're ready to rumble!

Within the src/App.jsx file, you can write any React code with some limitations. If you are unfamiliar with React, you can learn more about it here.

Happy Coding!